Create account

How do I create an account with luckycloud?

You are not yet sure whether luckycloud is right for you? In order to convince yourself of our comprehensive offer and service, you have the opportunity to test luckycloud for 14 days free of charge!

To get started, you first need a luckycloud account. You can find out how to create one in this article.

To do this, first go to our website.

There you will find the option "14 days free trial ", click on the button. In the next step, you will be asked to decide which package you would like to test. The following options are available:

and a tab above it which redirects to:

Decide on the package that suits you best. Don't worry - afterwards you can customise your luckycloud account to suit your needs at any time. Every account starts with a 14-day free trial period, which is not automatically extended. You should decide for yourself whether you want to stay with luckycloud or not.

Home and Team

  1. enter your e-mail address. Note that you already select the email address with which you would like to use luckycloud in the future for the test account as well.
  2. create a password for yourself.
  3. after reading and accepting the terms and conditions, you will land in the customer dashboard - Done!

We have sent you a link to your email address. Please click on the link to confirm your email address for future password recoveries.

Pro Business

  1. enter your email address. Please note that you already select the email address with which you would like to use luckycloud in the future for the test account as well.
  2. give your data room a name. It is best to use your company name here. 3. Create a password for yourself. 4.
  3. after reading and accepting the terms and conditions, you will land in the customer dashboard - Done!

Pro Enterprise and Pro Enterprise Plus

  1. enter your e-mail address. Please note that you should also select the email address with which you would like to use luckycloud in the future for the test account. 2.
  2. enter your desired domain. If you have not yet registered a domain, we can also help you with this, please contact our Support. Enter a name for your data room. It is best to use your company name. 4.
  3. create a password for yourself. 5.
  4. after reading and accepting the terms and conditions, you will land in the customer dashboard - Done!